Carl A. Miller
Fellow, Joint Center for Quantum Information and Computer Science (QuICS)

Mathematician, NIST Computer Security Division

UMD phone: (301) 405-7367
UMD office: 3100K Atlantic Building

Curriculum vitae
QuICS Profile

I am also an affiliate faculty in Mathematics and AMSC and an adjunct in Computer Science and UMIACS.


I work on quantum information processing, a field where a number of different disciplines and styles of thinking converge. My particular focus is on quantum cryptography, where proving the security of new protocols often involves some creative and interesting mathematics. I am interested more generally in applications of higher mathematics to theoretical computer science.


Program Chair for QCRYPT 2021; Program Committee Member for QCRYPT 2023, QIP 2023, TQC 2022, QCRYPT 2018, QIP 2016, TQC 2016, QCRYPT 2016.

Local or Scientific Organizing Committee Member for TQC 2019, TYQI 2016, and TYQI 2015.

Scientific Lead for the MathQuantum RTG at UMD.

Team Member for the NIST Postquantum Cryptography Project.

Committee Member for the UMD High School Mathematics Competition.

Selected work:

Graduate students:

Honghao Fu (computer science, graduated in 2021, now an assistant professor at Concordia University)

Daochen Wang (applied math, graduated in 2023, now an assistant professor at the University of British Columbia)

Yusuf Alnawakhtha (computer science)

Kelsey Jackson (physics)

Khalil Guy (applied math)



o   Math 312 (Applied Modern Algebra)

o   Math 567 (Introduction to Coding Theory) 

o   Math 425 (Introduction to Probability)

o   Math 217 (Linear Algebra)